
Mostrando las entradas de octubre 25, 2017

How to fix common sleep problems

How to fix common sleep problems Sleep is really important. It  may actually be more important than food . It  may even help you lose weight . If you're not sleeping well, there are so many things you can try to fix the problem. There are many reasons for sleep deprivation: work, chores, babies, worry, parties or late night television are just a few.         sleep tips:                                                Keep a regular sleep-wake cycle. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. For example if you go to bed at 7 p.m., then make sure the next day you go to bed at 7 p.m. too. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine in the four to six hours before bedtime. Don't exercise within two hours of bedtime. Exercising five or six hours before bedtime may help you sleep more soundly. Don't eat large meals within two hours of bedtime. Don't nap later than 3 p.m. Sleep in a dark, quiet room with a comfortable temperature, this may help you f