
Mostrando las entradas de octubre 28, 2017

How to tie your shoelaces so they never get untied again

How to tie your shoelaces so they never get untied again I know most people go through this alright, that they practice any sport, run or just use tennis shoes and their shoelaces get untied. I know how annoying it can be, because I practice football and sometimes while I am on a game they get untied and I can't stop for me to tied them because they may score a goal , so I found this easy and awesome way for them to stop untying and I can assure you that it will work. This are the four steps for stopping your shoelaces for getting untied: Start with a normal shoelace bow knot. Pull each side of the bow as far as you can without undoing the knot. Then do a "double knot". Finally pull each side of the bow through one of the cross over from where the shoes have been laced.  For making it easier for you, you may look this video where it is shown in a better way how to tied them: This is great way for stopping your shoelaces to get untied whi